Impact Stories

Becoming A Community

Nobody knows the housing landscape quite like Ken Cook, a Greensboro Housing Coalition staff member on the Healthy Homes Team. As a Certified Home Inspector, Ken surveys tenants’ housing to ensure that it is code-compliant and that its environmental conditions support...

It’s What We Do

COVID-19 has blindsided individuals, families, and entire communities. Local schools closed their doors and summer employers had a dramatic reduction in demand for their services. Household incomes were suddenly lost. GHC has experienced Housing Counselors to help...

Beyond City Boundaries

The Greensboro Housing Coalition’s (GHC) reach expands far beyond city boundaries. That’s especially true for GHC’s Mortgage Team, which works with homeowners who are at risk of losing their home to foreclosure.  People travel from miles away to meet with...

A Bag Full of Hope

The COVID-19 pandemic has left a dramatic mark on many households' financial stability, leaving them unable to pay their rent and putting them at risk of losing their home. "No one should be without an address and a door to open and close," believes Ms....

It’s What We Do

COVID-19 has blindsided individuals, families, and entire communities. Local schools closed their doors and summer...

Beyond City Boundaries

The Greensboro Housing Coalition’s (GHC) reach expands far beyond city boundaries. That’s especially true...