Greensboro Housing Coalition Announces New CEO
Hugh Holston Selected by Board of Directors to Lead Organizational Efforts
The public is invited to meet Holston during a reception on Thursday, August 24th at the GHC office from 11am – 1pm. Register at: GHC Welcome Reception – Hugh Holston, CEO
Households Served in 2019
Homes Saved from Foreclosure in 2019
Greensboro Housing Coalition
From Homeless to Homeowner and each step in between:
Greensboro Housing Coalition
GHC’s mission is to advocate for and provide resources to people with low to moderate incomes and those with special needs to secure or retain fair, safe, healthy and affordable housing.
Homelessness Prevention
GHC provides free housing counseling assistance in locating affordable rental housing or housing with support services for families and individuals in crisis and the chronically homeless. We provide potential resources for other housing needs like utilities. Our trained counselors also work with clients on budgeting and financial literacy in effort to empower them to take control of their financial situations. Greensboro Housing Coalition collaborates with homeless service providers and other stakeholders as part of the Guilford County CoC (Continuum of Care). The (CoC) is a regional/local planning body that coordinates housing and services funding for homeless families and individuals. The role of GHC in the CoC is through housing counseling to work with people we serve on diversion strategies for those that are at imminent risk of becoming homeless. We also work with the Coordinated Assessment/Entry Specialist who attempts to find temporary solutions and/or connects the people to Housing First, Rapid Re-housing or transitional housing programs. Our Homelessness Prevention Housing Counselors meet with clients on business days (Monday-Fridays, except scheduled holidays) from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Individuals can call our switchboard at 336-691-9521 to confirm that we are open.
Foreclosure Prevention
We provide free counseling for homeowners in danger of losing their home to foreclosure. Our HUD certified Housing Counselors meet with clients to determine their individual needs and what programs they may qualify for. We then work with them to find the best fit in an attempt to resolve their housing crisis. Individuals who are at risk of losing their homes to foreclosure can call 336-691-9521 to schedule an appointment. Our Homeownership Housing Counseling Team meets with clients on an appointment basis only.
Healthy Homes
Healthy Homes are essential for upstream health to promote wellness by transforming conditions that make people sick, rather than waiting for people to need medical treatment for preventable illnesses and injuries. We provide assistance to residents who live in homes with health and safety hazards through education, referrals, and landlord tenant advocacy. To speak with an advocate, call our switchboard at 336-691-9521 and ask to speak to someone on the Healthy Homes Team.
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GHC on PBS News Hour
The recognition that health care extends beyond the walls of hospitals and doctor’s offices is growing. In Greensboro, North Carolina, advocacy groups, sociologists and medical practitioners are taking a creative approach to uncovering the root causes of disease, with a particular focus on poor housing conditions that can lead to chronic illness. John Yang reports.